Re-rank results
- You can control the search result re-ranking based on keywords.
- Re-rank results allow you to improve the search performance and user experience significantly. The possibility of customizing the ranking criteria of your search results improves the visibility of your site content/products that your customers are looking for.
- Result rankings take a query and provide tools to curate its results.

There are two aspects of result ranking: pinning documents and deleting documents.
- Pinning is the custom placement of a result in a result set.
- Deleting is the removal of a result from a result set.
- You can pin one or more documents to a query. Pinned documents appear wherever you have placed them within your result set.
- The custom ranking gives you direct control and is often the deciding factor on which records appear in the first set of results.
Add New Re-rank results
- The option is available in the Views Category.
- You can search in a query in the search bar provided. Once the search query is entered, you will see the relevant results listed at the bottom.
- You can move and pin according to the order you deem fit.
- The alias configuration appears in the right section after a query is attended. This works similar to the synonym section, except it is only valid for the selected result set. You can add any number of aliases around the search query.
Here are some examples of Pinning that can impact the ranking formula and aid in smoothly finding topical information. You could pin up a Sponsored Ad, or in other cases, a particular brand could be selling exclusive crochet design apparel, accessories, and tutorials.